On April 6, 9, and 12, 2021, CV. Tripsona Indonesia has been honored to be the speaker in the Guidance for Ecotourism Management session in a series of activities to strengthen and assist forest farmer group institutions organized by the Environment and Forestry Service of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Represented by the President Director CV. Tripsona Indonesia, Gilang Ramado, who was the speaker at the event, presented material on the Management and Promotion of Nature Tourism.
Tripsona feels truly grateful to be involved because this is the opportunity for Tripsona to manifest our concern for the local community in Yogyakarta. We also respond remarkably well to this highly constructive activity as a form of empowerment process for local communities to improve the quality of their life, which comes from farming and tourism as well as to encourage the growth of quality tourist destinations in Yogyakarta that can progress and develop by applying the concept of sustainable tourism.
The event which lasted for three days and took place in three different locations (Kulon Progo, Gunung Kidul, and Bantul) went well and the enthusiasm to promote tourism activities in their region profoundly impressed us. Many of the participant groups admitted to having problems regarding a lack of capital, a lack of quality human resources, and a lack of knowledge about promotional methods via the internet. However, they have high hopes for improving their quality of life through ecology-based tourism destination management activities or ecotourism and committed to raise local potentials such as the socio-cultural and natural aspects that they have.
Our task is to introduce them to what the tourism trend is about in the “new normal” era in 2021, what must they prepare to welcome these trends, and also about how to maximize their promotional activities using internet media to reach wider markets. Besides, we also provide information along with new references about natural tourism management in other provinces or countries that have successfully implemented the concept of sustainable tourism and still got good economic value hoping it can inspire the participants and follow in their footsteps in managing tourism destinations in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
In the end, we hope that our participation can provide inspiration and a positive impact on groups’ progress that took part in the event yesterday. We hope Yogyakarta will have more quality tourism destinations by applying the concept of sustainable tourism.